Freedom IT Linux Business Server and your Business Network

box linuxserver
imagine discovering the power and stability of using Linux with your existing computers and network.

Major features and benefits include:
When you invest in a Freedom IT Linux Server you are investing in a reliable, state-of-the-art. piece of kit. For hardware, we use and recommend HP or IBM servers because these companies actively support Linux on their hardware.


  • linux freedom
The Linux operating system affords the user freedom: freedom to use, freedom to change, freedom to distribute, at will.

  • linux security
The Linux operating system is now well-known to be one of the most secure operating systems currently available. Due to it being designed from the ground-up to be a multi-user operating system running in a networked environmen the operating system has safe-guards and measures to counteract any external, unwanted, intrusion. Is it completely immune to security problems? No. Security is a process NOT a product. Linux goes a long way in securing your important business data.

  • free licensing
Linux is licensed using the GNU General Public License. This license is one of, if not the most revolutionary ideas to come from the free software movement. This license does not cost you anything to purchase and gives the recipient certain freedoms regarding the product.  It also requires the recipient to follow-through with the same  freedoms if the product is changed and/or distributed. Click here for the current GPL (v3). The GPL license is designed to give you back your freedom.

  • server applications
This is where the sky is the limit! There are many applications available for Linux. Servers applications such as Windows networking with domain-controller functionality, Email and Calendar server (including an Outlook connector), Virtualisation software to run your Windows server 'virtually' for that legacy, business,  Windows-only application that your business cannot run without. And the list goes on: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, Web Server, etc, etc.

  • interoperability
Linux talks every other major operating systems 'lingo'. Windows, Mac OSX, Unix. All these modern operating systems can run on the same network and talk to each other, sharing files and printers. In fact Linux is a good operating system to 'glue' the others together. Traditionally, Windows hasn't been known to work that well with other operating systems, but that's changing, with Microsoft realising that they can't ignore the Linux juggernaut. And since Mac OS X is based very heavily on a Unix operating system variant called BSD, OS X has all the Unix-type connectivity that Linux has. In fact Mac OS X incorporates many well-known free software movement applications such as Samba, Postfix, Apache., etc - Linux is the 'glue'.

  • greenest os
According to this Network World June 2008 article, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (pay-for twin of CentOS Linux) is the greenest operating system, compared to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 running on identical hardware. So Linux is not only the cheapest, the most stable, but is also the most green operating system currently available.

You can benefit from a Freedom IT Linux Small Business Server.